All that can go wrong with your HRIS

Human Resource professionals often encounter problems with their HRIS, problems that arise from questions never asked. Of course, software sometimes comes with glitches. But, as often as not, the problems lie in the apparent inability to reconcile differences between performance and expectations. All that can go wrong with a program will go wrong. On the …

Employee Satisfaction Survey: How HRIS can help

Employee surveys are the most misunderstood and misused tool in contemporary business management. Too many users confuse surveys with polling. One example is the attempt to intelligently and effectively measure employee satisfaction. Once you recognize the added business value in employee satisfaction, consider how HRIS can help determine metrics that make sense. Do you know …

What Good is HRIS?

A Human Resources Information System (HRIS) frees up the Human Resources staff by performing the many administrative tasks that kept them away from more strategic initiatives and functions. Some of the benefits are… Employees can change or update personal data such as changes in address, name, beneficiaries, and so on without disturbing HR staff. Current …

Remember the Checklist

A complicated problem need not always require a complicated answer. Nowhere is this fact truer than in the HR world. Regardless of how a situation develops or how contradictory the statements made by employees, the problems usually involve a breach of company policy or of the law and prudent companies have already dictated how a …

Is there value in an HRIS?

According to Career Cast, the 3rd best job of 2012 is a human resources manager.  Based off of work environment, stress levels, physical demands, income levels, and hiring outlook, HR managers outranked all other jobs except for actuaries and software engineers.  How can HR managers raise their rank and become the best job of 2013? …