Does HRIS mean ESS?

Employees want a voice. Sometimes they don’t know what kind or how loud a voice, but they do want to be heard. Any competitive HRIS program offers Employee Self-Service (ESS) potential. Whether your HRIS equals ESS depends on how you manage it. Get it right! Employee self-service is a lofty goal, but you have to …

Employee Engagement and Next Generation HRIS

For more than a generation, HRIS has been a useful business tool. Managers and executives have used it and valued its utility. In most cases, that has been a casual assessment, another software application that everyone has come to take for granted. However, the next generation HRIS products bring something extra to the party – …

HRIS: the Keys to Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is reason enough to invite human resources technology into your arena. All the benefits of HRIS that might save you from administrative time and workload take a back seat. Efficiency and cost effectiveness are management concerns. Employee engagement makes it work and makes even better business sense. Employees of all ages have always …